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Collaboration With Passion

Glisson Road bedsit 1971 Glisson Road bedsit 1971

I did enquire a few years after leaving but cannot remember the outcome.


One of the projects entailed sitting outside, in the winter, drawing Cambridge train station for a week.

Gullivers Travels drawing project 1970 Gullivers Travels drawing project 1970
Experimental designs Experimental designs

My fellow student sitting in the cold was Juliet Stanwell-Smith (Juliet was one of the students in my year and is featured on the photo taken By Terence Cripps).


The other missing project was a reportage of a family run garage in Longstanton, Cambridge.

Johnny Walker - Life model! 1970 Johnny Walker - Life model! 1970
Me running on Cambridge Parker's Piece 1969 Me running on Cambridge Parker's Piece 1969

I would love to know where these drawings ended up as I know I was proud of them, and totally remember all the other students showing their holiday projects too.


We also made a short film with a film-maker called Mike Fash and directed by fellow student Terence Cripps.

Otis Redding song sheet Otis Redding song sheet
Three of my favourite singers Three of my favourite singers

This film was made in Cambridge in the Multi-story car park and we used a Bolex Camera.


The actors were my good friend Peter Welford, one other student, and myself.

My Hornby Drawings 1971 My Hornby Drawings 1971
London Transport Museum 1969 London Transport Museum 1969

I would like to know more about this film as it will contain the only footage of us students in the early 70's.


We also tried to make stop-frame cartoons with the Bolex again, using drawings similar to Captain Pugwash style.

My Basketball shoes 1971 My Basketball shoes 1971
Photo of me taken in the photography department 1969 Photo of me taken in the photography department 1969

I remember the Subjects were Henry VIII and a bicycling aviator.


I still wonder where all this work has gone, and it would be good to see it again, if it still exists!

Plug safety sheet 1970 Plug safety sheet 1970
Robin the Bobbin, The Big Bellied Ben pop up book Robin the Bobbin, The Big Bellied Ben pop up book

During the last year I applied to The Royal College Of Art in London for a place on the illustration course.


I duly sent off my portfolio and waited! I was successful, gaining an interview, but failed to get a place.

Me on Parker's Piece again 1972 Me on Parker's Piece again 1972
Foundation year drawings around Cambridge Foundation year drawings around Cambridge

In 1974 I tried again, this time as a mature student, for a place on the graphics course. Again I received an interview, but failed to gain a place.


Perhaps I should have tried a third time!

Peter and Allan, Mary, Jim, and Rowan Peter and Allan, Mary, Jim, and Rowan
My final year Broadsheet My final year Broadsheet

In 1972 I passed the assessment of the Society of Industrial Artists & Designers. I began to look for a position in the illustration and graphics world.


This would entail many expensive trips to London, to see agents and Art editors etc.

Parker's Piece 1971 Parker's Piece 1971