Collaboration With Passion
In 1996 I was working for Avid Video on Karaoke, Jazz and classical CD’s. Jon Bourdillon the marketing manager approached me about art directing the photo shoot for a new golfing video he was helping to produce! I had to visit the home of Bruce Forsyth! We duly arrived at his exclusive address and Bruce opened the door and was very welcoming. We took the photos in one of his garages as the interior of his house was painted dark blue! The photos included his special Auguste Rodin’s "The Thinker" pose and we titled the video “Good Game, Good Game!”. Bruce’s beautiful wife Wilnelia brought us coffee and biscuits, and Bruce asked if anyone wanted a photo taken with him! Sadly I declined due to shyness, but I should have done so, as he is one of my all time favourite entertainers.